Shine Your Light Portal

This is where you'll find everything you need to complete the challenge.

How this challenge works...

For the next 40 days, you will do the Shine Your Light meditation, every day, without skipping a day.

Join the live sessions for extra support.
Every Sunday, Wednesday, Friday

Los Angeles, 8am - 8:25am

New York, 11am - 11:25am

London, 4pm - 5:25pm

Berlin, 5pm - 4:25pm
Password: shine

(Can't make it? The recordings will be posted in this portal.)


1. Activate Your Chakras

Sat Kriya - 3 Minutes (+ 1 Minute rest)

Sitting on your heels in Rock Pose. Eyes closed, focused on Third Eye.

Fingers interlaced, index fingers pointing up and touching.

Arms raised above the head.

As you chant SAT, scoop the belly button and diaphragm in and up.

As you chant NAM, relax the belly and diaphragm.

2. Align Your Focus

Breath Awareness - 3 Minutes

Sitting in Easy Pose with light neck lock.

Arms forward, parallel to floor.

Right hand in fist, thumb pointing up.

Left hand wraps around right fist, sides of thumb joints touching.

Eyes gaze through the V of touching thumbs.

Breathing pattern: Inhale for a count of 4, exhale for 4, hold breath out for 12.

3. Shine Your Light

Chanting - 3 Minutes

Sitting in Easy Pose. Eyes closed.

Fingers interlaced, index fingers touching & pointing up. Thumbs on sternum.

Chant the mantra, feeling the vibration rise from the heart up to the crown.

Bountiful am I
Blissful am I
Beautiful am I.

1. Activate Your Chakras

Sat Kriya - 3 Minutes (+1 Minute rest)

Sitting on your heels in Rock Pose. Eyes closed, focused on Third Eye.

Fingers interlaced, index fingers pointing up and touching.

Arms raised straight above the head.

As you chant SAT, scoop the belly button and diaphragm in and up.

As you chant NAM, relax the belly and diaphragm.

2. Align Your Focus

Breath Awareness - 3 Minutes

Sitting in Easy Pose with light neck lock.

Arms forward, parallel to floor.

Right hand in fist, thumb pointing up.

Left hand wraps around right fist, sides of thumb joints touching.

Eyes gaze through the V of touching thumbs.

Breathing pattern, through nose: Inhale for a count of 4, exhale for 4, hold breath out for 12.

3. Shine Your Light

Chanting - 3 Minutes

Sitting in Easy Pose. Eyes closed.

Fingers interlaced, index fingers pointing up & touching, thumbs on sternum.

Chant the mantra, feeling the vibration rise from the heart up to the crown.

Bountiful am I
Blissful am I
Beautiful am I.

Printable Instructions.

Here's your instruction cheat sheet. Print it out and peek when you need to.

Shine Instructions

Practice Video...

Video to practice along with...

Practice Audio...

Audio for solo practice.

You're solid on how to do the meditation? Then play or download the audio-only track below.

Daily Recordings...


Day 39 - Live - You go first


Day 40 - Live - You Do You!

Video Archive - Password: shine
Yoga Session - April 15
Yoga Session - April 22
Be The Light - Journaling
Golden Shadow - Journaling
Purpose #1 - Journaling
Purpose #2 - Journaling
Intuition - Journaling
Being Seen - Journaling
Inner & Outer Circle - Journaling
Boundaries - Journaling
People Pleaser - Journaling
Rejection - Journaling
Perfectionism - Journaling
Worthiness - Label Journaling
Inner Critic Process

Accountability Log...

Make sure to log your daily meditation. Either here in this printable Check-in Sheet or in a calendar or journal.

And if you're sharing on Instagram, please use #ShineChallenge

Shine Your Light meditation challenge calendar

Challenge Podcast

You're on the go or just wanna have the audio available at any time? Then check out the podcast...


Got Questions? Need more support?